Seller’s Advantage

Horror Stories of Home Sales Gone Wrong: The Flaky Buyer

Robyn needed to sell her family’s home. She was delighted when the realtor she hired set up a meeting with the seemingly perfect buyer. The buyer said she wanted to move into the home in 3 weeks and would pay the full asking price. As Robyn had never sold a home before, she relied on her realtor’s endorsement of the buyer and verbally agreed on the spot.

Excited about the impending sale, Robyn and her husband took down their For Sale sign, began negotiations on a new home they wanted to buy in a different city, and made changes to their property that had been requested by the prospective buyer. They packed all their belongings, expecting to quickly finalize the sale and move on to the new chapter in their lives. They even sent their children to live with family in the new city so the adjustment wouldn’t be too rough on them.

The buyer was scheduled to come to the property on a Sunday to take a final look and complete the home sale paperwork. Robyn got the house ready to show and eagerly awaited the buyer’s arrival. She waited… and waited… and waited… but the buyer never showed. The realtor tried in vain to reach her and explained to Robyn (far too late) that the buyer could be described as “a bit strange.”

As Sunday came to an end with no sign of the potential buyer, Robyn and her husband had to accept that the deal they had been hoping for was too good to be true. They felt misled and let down by their realtor, who had given every indication that the sale would go through as planned. They had no choice but to begin the whole selling process anew, delaying their carefully laid plans.

Let’s face it – sometimes Los Angeles and Las Vegas cash home buyers are flaky.  It can be a huge headache, and realtors can’t always anticipate bad buyer behavior. When you need to sell your California home fast to a qualified buyer, contact Seller’s Advantage. We can give you a cash offer in 24 hours, saving you money, time, and hassle. It just makes sense after reading our BBB and Yelp reviews on our Sellers Advantage reviews page!

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